Sunday, February 21, 2010
[ 11:36 AM ]

Started taking life as a one way road this year,
i guess i reached a dilemma between giving up all of the things i used to do, like breaking and all, just pursuing a life chasing God.

till I read more, and realised God forms all of us in a certain way, with certain strengths, and different talents, that when in that moment of doing, one feels the most alive, the most fulfilled. Just as birds fly, cheetahs chase, fish swim, we all have our own way of glorifying God, in our greatest strength.

and looking back at my life, i realised the times when i felt the most fulfilled and alive was when i dance, breakdance, and accomplished something by leading a team of positive energy. I realised this in fact was the way i was formed, and theres no way i should give breaking up.

I had to lose my passion, idolatry, ambition towards breaking to find out the true attitude i was supposed to have for it. One without ambition, without burden, but just done in a form of enjoyment, in the form of worship, and in true passion.

and now i enjoy it more than ever, and doing it better than ever (:

Saturday, January 16, 2010
[ 5:27 PM ]

Hope is such a precious thing
without it, there is no strength or motivation in our lives,
or the point of going on.

Hoping in the wrong things on the other hand is self decieving,
and when those things let us down, hope is destroyed even more

But my hope is in the Lord
and is on that foundation of rock
and it shall never be shaken

Sunday, December 27, 2009
[ 12:04 PM ]

i was told to search myself, and i did a little.

no more wallowing in self pity for my circumstances,
no more treating others with contentment because of how they treat me.
no more being thrown around by my emotions, by my flesh.

I have said these things to YOU that by means of me YOU may have peace. In the world YOU are having tribulation, but take courage! I have conquered the world.” - John 16:33

what do we have to fear
i can shape my surroundings, they shall not shape me.
my resolve for 2010
Merry Christmas, and happy new year (:

Friday, December 25, 2009
[ 11:26 AM ]

its the end of the year again, and another year in army
its time to stop acting like a kid, and live like a man

a time like this is when im not sure what the future holds,
and unsure about the happenings tomorrow.
But God holds all my days, and ill leave it as that and not worry

2010, i will grow up, i resolve to.

Monday, June 29, 2009
[ 3:02 PM ]

its been 7 months into 2009, 7 months into army life.

nothing has been particularly difficult or painful, but life has become stale.
little enthusiasm arises from me, little meaning or magic seems to appear.
of course attributed to my lack of focus.
its just been passing time and trying to have as much fun as possible at the same time

i seem to have lost the heartfelt motives i had in everyday, and i just pray to be really living again.

Sunday, May 17, 2009
[ 4:15 PM ]

Havent posted in awhile

Life has been as usual. NS is NS, what can one expect (:
but it hasnt really been the circumstances in there that has been bugging me
its been the climate of negative attitudes and bad influence that has been.
And of course my own spiritual health when i dont keep it in check.

Still i have been learning many lessons and growing much, thanks to the grace of God that has been holding me down and not allowing me to run to far, as well as the influence of my wonderful girlfriend.

Oh yeah every bookout has been awesome (:

Sunday, April 05, 2009
[ 3:34 PM ]

Long time since my last update, so here goes (:

Life has been really great since BMT ended.
The end of life in zulu, where we had avg 1/2 hour admin time, hardcore discipline and so on.
Hardly time to breathe and reflect or anything of that sort, it was just flowing through 9 weeks.

But life is really different now, and its a real blessing to be in armour.
The pay, accommodation, prestige, respect one gets out of it is definitely nothing compared to going to ocs, but i so enjoy the amount of time i have, to read, to call, to do my qt, and basically manage my life once again. The greatest blessing is being able to experience God now regularly everynight. The chance to live life to the max, even in army, something i cannot do in ocs due to the lack of time to manage myself.

Plus the time out of camp with you is well cherished too (: